Saturday, January 5, 2013

26 Acts of Kindness - Day 5

I woke up this afternoon (yes, sue me, I slept past noon - in my defense I was up past 2am last night and had only gotten 2 hours of sleep for the past two nights) to my daughter jumping on my bed and asking me who we would be honoring today. So we snuggled on the bed and started to read. Some days Random Acts take some contemplation... today's was instantaneous.

Today's Random Act was dedicated to Josephine "Joey" Gay, who had just turned 7 three days before. The parents of Joey, also nicknamed "Boo" due to her resemblance to the Monster's, Inc. character, said that they believe she was sent to this world in order to teach them lessons. She taught them not to give up on people, that iPhones aren't waterproof and that every cupcake needs a taster. Little Joey was autistic and didn't speak - but that didn't stop her from being an outgoing child who had a great sense of humor and loved to give hugs. She loved the color purple, playing with her Barbies and iPad, but most of all peanut butter. Her parents said she loved the food so much that she would get spoonfuls of it and wander the house eating it... there were spoons everywhere.

Upon finishing reading about little Joey, I smiled because I knew what we should do - and my daughter had an idea as well. Turns out we both had the same exact idea. =) We decided, since Monsters, Inc. is back in theaters in 3D that we would honor "Boo" by buying a ticket for someone to see the movie. So we stopped at the grocery store and purchased a box of some yummy peanut butter candies - Reese's Pieces, and then drove to the movie theater. We told the cashier that we were doing Random Acts of Kindness and would like to purchase a ticket for the next child to came to see Monsters, Inc. So we purchased the ticket and left it, the box of candy and our little Random Acts note with the cashier. She told us we were going to make her cry... and she promised she would get it wrapped up nicely (that was all her idea =) ) and make sure it found its way to a child. 

I hope that child enjoys Mike and "Kitty" in honor of "Boo."
"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Ghandi

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